Help center & FAQ

Thank you!

The best way to help us is to recommend your favourite videos. Do you know any video that has changed your life or you are regularly watching or listening? Please let us know, we will check and watch each of your suggestions. We also welcome tips on non-English content.

Let us know in this form

The team behind the app is quite small, by subscribing to Spiritual Premium you help us continue working on the app.

Yes that would be great!

Do you know any video that has changed your life or you are regularly watching or listening? Please let us know, we will check and watch each of your suggestions. We also welcome tips on non-English content.

Let us know in this form

Feel free to contact us on our email address:

You can manage your subscription in your subscription settings.

Click on the button below to open your subscription settings.

Manage your subscription

Or follow the instructions presented in the following link: Manage subscriptions

Please describe bug details and send us feedback here:

We are currently preparing this feature for you and it should be available in February.

Please describe bug details and send us feedback here:

All GuardianHero memberships are equals and there is no difference between them.

We added different price levels so you can how greatly you want to support us, but there is no difference between subscription.

You can manage your subscription in your subscription settings.

Click on the button below to open your subscription settings.

Manage your subscription

Or follow the instructions presented in the following link: Manage subscriptions